





学生,家庭和学校服务是非常兴奋地提供 “父母学院 ," a series of virtual presentations for families to participate and view at home.

父母学院 is designed to inform and empower families as advocates and partners in their children's education. Workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children's academic and emotional well-being, 以及帮助他们为大学和职业做好准备. Through a variety of learning opportunities hosted by 威尼斯官网在线 staff and community partners, 我们希望加强与家庭和社区的接触. 我们认识到,每个成功学生的背后都有支持他们的家庭, 老师, school staff and community members who take an active role in educating our students.


注册工作坊很容易! 只需点击下面的按钮即可在线注册:





6:30-7:30 pm

有效的焦点, 动机, 处理挫折, and communication depend on the ability of students to understand and manage their emotions. These are basic competencies that are crucial to student well-being and success. This virtual workshop will focus on how to include Mindfulness practices in both the curriculum and our personal life. 威尼斯官网在线工作人员介绍. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.



7:00-7:30 pm

在今天的互联世界, helping kids and teens protect their privacy and maintain a positive online identity is critical to their future and overall well-being. Join us for a 30-minute chat to get tips and tools on fostering a safer digital environment for your child, 包括可操作的步骤,使他们能够在网上做出明智的选择. 将涉及的主要主题包括:

  • 保护你的在线隐私的重要性

  • 负责任的在线分享实践和数字足迹的力量

  • 安全健康的上网行为

由常识媒体主持. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.



7:30-8 pm

En el mundo conectado de hoy, ayudar a los niños y adolescentes a proteger su privacidad y mantener una identidad positiva en línea es fundamental para su futuro y su bienestar general. Acompáñanos en una charla de 30 minutos para recibir consejos y herramientas sobre cómo fomentar un entorno digital más seguro para tus hijos, que incluye pasos prácticos que les permitan tomar decisiones inteligentes en línea.


  • 保护隐私的重要性在于línea

  • Prácticas responsables para compartir en línea y la importancia  de su rastro digital 

  • comitamito seguro通过sano en línea 

现代可怜的常识媒体. Recomendado para familias de estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria.



6:00-7:00 pm

For busy families, the two most challenging times of the day are the morning and the evening. Add in school-year time pressure and these times can become a high-stakes battlefield. Learn how to motivate your child to be ready to roll in the morning with everything they need, 并在晚上放松下来,确保为第二天做好准备. 在繁忙的学年里,让每个人都取得最大的成功. 由家长鼓励计划提供. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.

Partnering for Student Success: New Literacy Curriculum, New Opportunities to Connect


6:00-7:00 pm

Gain an understanding of the new PreK - Grade 5 English Language Arts curriculum, 放大核心知识语言艺术. Learn ways to interact with the curriculum and how to support your child at home. Explore the curriculum resources created for families, caregivers and students. 威尼斯官网在线工作人员介绍. 适合小学生家庭使用.



6:00-7:00 pm

让我们一起学习仇恨偏见. 加入我们,更好地理解与仇恨偏见相关的词汇和语言. 在一起, we will discuss how hate-bias develops and how we can create more inclusive and affirmative environments. 由威尼斯官网在线职员协助. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.

积极育儿! (1 / 4)

11月. 12

6:30-8:30 pm

这是4部分系列文章的第1部分. 鼓励参加所有4个工作坊.

在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.

How to Handle Disappointing Grades: Uncover the Reasons Why it’s Happening and How to Help


6:00-7:00 pm

Disappointing grades are not always a fair indication of how hard your child is trying, 他们学了多少, or what their potential for success is later on in life (especially for those with ADHD and other learning differences). It’s challenging to figure out how to react as a parent when report cards are in, 结果也不尽如人意. In this webinar you will learn new strategies to tackle these sticky situations while preserving your relationship with your child.   教育联系介绍. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.



6:00-7:00 pm

许多学生, 三年级及以上, still find sounding out and spelling words difficult—this makes all the reading and writing in school feel hard. Practicing with step-by-step phonics materials can improve these skills and build a student’s confidence and enjoyment of reading. 威尼斯官网在线与开源Phonics合作, a website that provides tutoring materials that are free and aligned with 威尼斯官网在线 curriculum. Tips for making phonics practice fun and stress-free will be provided, so please come! 由开源Phonics提供便利.


积极育儿! (2 / 4)


6:30-8:30 pm

这是4部分系列文章的第2部分. 鼓励参加所有4个工作坊.

在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.



6:00-7:00 pm

做好准备! Your child’s school will invite you to a parent-teacher conference in 11月ember. This is a great opportunity for you to talk with your child’s teacher about how your child is doing in school, 学术上和社会上. Join us to learn tips and get resources to prepare for an effective parent-teacher conference. 威尼斯官网在线工作人员介绍. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.

Preparándose para conferencias de padres y masters


6:00-7:00 p.m.

¡Prepararse! La escuela de su hijo lo invitará a una conferencia de padres y maestros en noviembre. Esta es una gran oportunidad para que usted hable con el maestro de su hijo sobre cómo le está yendo a su hijo en la escuela, 学会了社交. Únase a nosotros para aprender consejos y obtener recursos para prepararse para una conferencia de padres y maestros eficaz. 现在我要介绍一下个人威尼斯官网在线. Recomendado para familias de estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria.

积极育儿! (3 / 4)


6:30-8:30 pm

这是由4部分组成的系列文章的第3部分. 鼓励参加所有4个工作坊.

在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.

积极育儿! (四分之四)


6:30-8:30 pm

这是由4部分组成的系列文章的第4部分. 鼓励参加所有4个工作坊.

在当今这个不确定的世界里抚养孩子可能会让人不知所措. 对家庭来说,让孩子感到安全是很重要的, 保持健康的生活习惯, 管理他们的行为,建立适应力. 学习有效的纪律技巧, 强有力的沟通策略, 分散权力斗争的工具, 以及鼓励责任和独立的创造性想法. Presented by the Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. 推荐给小学,初中和高中学生的家庭.



6:00-7:00 pm

Gain insight on how to approach homework and maximize learning by embracing your child’s learning styles. 你的孩子是听觉型学习者吗? 视觉学习者? 触觉-动觉型学习者? 当我们了解他们如何学得最好的时候, it becomes easier to engage and support them with daily homework and other projects. 家长助理资源(PAR)呈递. 推荐给初高中学生家庭使用.




父母学院 反馈形式


威尼斯官网在线家长学院  视频系列

的威尼斯官网在线 父母学院 series provides families with information central to their children's academic and emotional well-being. 由社区专业人士和威尼斯官网在线专家领导, we offer a variety of workshops and chats focused on topics important to families of 威尼斯官网在线 students. Our goal is to empower families with the skills and strategies necessary to become active participants in their children’s education.

如果你不能加入我们的家长学院 研讨会或聊天,访问 威尼斯官网在线 YouTube频道 录制会话. 请注意,可能需要一周的时间才能发布新的录音.



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Cómo iniciar sesión en una Chromebook 威尼斯官网在线